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Chocolate Hand & Body Scrubs

4 Apr

Chocolate Hand & Body Scrubs

Craft it, quick! I just had an itch to make these Chocolate Hand & Body Scrubs today. Perhaps I shouldn’t have because my living room looks worse than if a storm had blown through it. Believe me, I’d know. We’ve had several thunderstorms in the past couple of days and it seriously looks neater outside of my house than inside it. I guess that’s what happens when you have toddlers. Ha!

I obviously re-used a few baby food jars, so please excuse the not-so-cute caps. Ideally, I would like to paint them or cover them with a cute cloth, but I will have to settle for leaving the lids as is. Otherwise, I will never finish this project.

Well, I’d better try to be a productive citizen of my home now. I just felt like I had to get these done before the weekend comes so I can gift them to some friends.

~ Maria